Agnes RF

A standout solution for those seeking skin tightening without the invasiveness of surgery

What is Agnes RF?

Agnes RF, an aesthetic device originating from South Korea, emerges as a standout solution for those seeking skin tightening without the invasiveness of surgery. This FDA-approved technology offers more than just a substitute for facelifts. It addresses skin laxity, enhancing firmness and texture, while also possessing the unique ability to target and diminish small fat deposits in the body. For individuals aiming for a refined appearance with minimal intervention, Agnes RF provides a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach.

Why Choose Agnes RF?

Agnes RF stands out for its ability to deliver surgical-like outcomes without the need for surgery, resulting in significantly reduced downtime and a quicker recovery process compared to surgical alternatives. This non-invasive approach not only minimizes discomfort but also allows individuals to resume their daily activities sooner, making it a preferred choice for those seeking effective skin rejuvenation with minimal interruption to their routine.

Typical Downtime

The downtime associated with Agnes RF treatments can vary significantly depending on the specific area of the body being treated and the individual's concerns.

Time Frame Post-Treatment Reactions and Care
Immediate Post treatment Following the procedure, patients may experience some redness, swelling, and a sensation similar to a sunburn in the treated areas. The under eye area tends to swell the most.
First 24 to 72 Hours In the first 24 to 72 hours post-treatment, any initial redness and swelling gradually subside. Some patients may experience minor bruising or itching during this time, which can be managed with appropriate skincare. Please avoid any makeup during this time and protect all treated areas with sunscreen.
One Week After By the end of the first week, most visible side effects such as redness and swelling have significantly reduced. Patients can typically resume their normal activities, including skincare and makeup routines, with minimal disruption.

Treatment Goals
Lift & tighten sagging skin/jowling (non-surgical face lift)
Reduce Under eye Bags
Improve Wrinkles & Skin laxity around the eyes
Treat acne & acne scars
Reduce Submental fullness (double chin)
Reduce Buccal fat
Reduce Bra fat

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Frequently asked questions

What is the treatment process overview?

The treatment process begins with a thorough consultation with one of our doctors to assess your goals and determine if Agnes RF is suitable for you. During the procedure, the Agnes RF device delivers precise radiofrequency energy to targeted areas of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the tissue. A topical numbing cream may be applied to ensure comfort during the treatment. The duration of each session varies depending on the size and number of areas being treated. After the procedure, there is minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities shortly thereafter.

How many treatments will you need?

The number of treatments required varies depending on individual factors such as skin condition and desired outcomes. It can range from 1-3+ sessions. Typically, patients undergo a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. Your practitioner will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs during the initial consultation.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

Agnes RF is suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking skin rejuvenation and tightening without the need for surgery. It is particularly beneficial for those with mild to moderate skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, and localized areas of fat deposits. However, it's essential to consult with one of our doctors to determine if Agnes RF is the right option for you based on your unique skin type and concerns.

When will I see results, and how long will they last?

Results from Agnes RF treatments are typically gradual and progressive, with noticeable improvements becoming apparent over the weeks and months following the procedure. Many patients experience initial changes in skin texture and firmness within a few weeks after treatment, with continued enhancement over time as collagen remodeling occurs. The longevity of results varies depending on factors such as individual skin aging and lifestyle factors. However, with proper skincare maintenance and occasional touch-up sessions as recommended by your practitioner, results can last for a significant period.