
Minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that stimulates the body's natural wound healing response, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin by creating tiny punctures in the top layer with fine needles. This process stimulates the body's natural wound healing response, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, which are key to achieving firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. Effective for reducing scars, wrinkles, and large pores, microneedling has gained popularity for its ability to deliver noticeable results with minimal downtime, making it a sought-after treatment for those looking to enhance their skin's texture and overall appearance.

Why Choose Microneedling at MediGlow?

At MediGlow, microneedling is elevated to an unparalleled level of precision and effectiveness. Our clinic is distinguished by the use of the first dual-indicated, FDA-cleared medical microneedling system, specifically tailored for reducing facial wrinkles and acne scars. Our approach goes beyond the standard "regular" hyaluronic acid serums in favor of superior, targeted medical grade serums designed to address individual skin concerns. Additionally, we offer the option to enhance treatments with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), exosomes, or skinboosters such as Rejuran Healer, catering to those seeking the pinnacle of skin rejuvenation. This dedication to advanced techniques and high-quality products ensures that MediGlow delivers exceptional, personalized outcomes for our clients.

Typical Downtime

Typical downtime after a microneedling session is relatively minimal, allowing most individuals to return to their normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. Immediately following the procedure, it's common to experience some redness and sensitivity, akin to a mild sunburn, which usually subsides within a few days. While the skin is healing, it's important to protect it from direct sun exposure and follow our post-treatment care instructions provided by our doctors. This ensures the best possible healing environment for your skin, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of the treatment with little interruption to your daily life.

Time Frame Post-Treatment Reactions and Care
Immediate Post treatment Right after a microneedling session, it's normal to notice redness and a sensation similar to a sunburn in the treated areas. Some individuals might also experience slight swelling or tenderness. It's crucial to avoid applying makeup or exposing the skin to direct sunlight for at least 24 hours post-treatment to allow the skin to start its healing process effectively.
First 24 to 72 Hours As the initial redness and sensitivity start to subside, you may still experience tenderness and slight swelling in the treated areas. Minor flaking may also occur as the skin begins its natural healing and rejuvenation process. It's crucial to protect the skin from direct sunlight during this time and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen for any necessary outdoor activities. Opt for gentle skincare products that are free from retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, and fragrances to avoid further irritation. Keeping hydrated and refraining from strenuous exercise to minimize sweating will aid in the recovery, ensuring a smoother healing process and enhancing the microneedling results.
One Week After By this time, most of the initial redness, swelling, and sensitivity should have significantly subsided, revealing clearer, more rejuvenated skin. Any minor peeling that may have occurred as part of the skin's natural healing process typically resolves by this point. It's essential to continue protecting the skin from sun exposure with a high SPF sunscreen and maintain a gentle skincare routine to support the ongoing healing and regeneration. You may start to notice improvements in skin texture and tone, with the full effects of collagen production and skin rejuvenation becoming more evident in the weeks to follow.

Treatment Goals
Improve Overall Skin Rejuvenation and Health
Increase Collagen & Elasticity
Improve Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Improve Skin Texture
Improve Acne Scarring
Minimize Pores
Increase Skin Hydration
Improve hyperpigmentation

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Frequently asked questions

What can I expect for the treatment process?

At MediGlow, each microneedling session starts with a detailed skin evaluation to customize the treatment according to your unique skin needs. For your comfort, the skin is numbed before being cleansed and prepared for the application of a specifically chosen serum, ranging from growth factors to treatments like PRP, exosomes, or Rejuran Healer, depending on your skin issues. We then proceed with the microneedling using an advanced, FDA-cleared device that employs fine needles to induce micro-injuries in the skin, prompting the natural production of collagen and elastin. The process is designed to be comfortable, lasting around an hour, with any minor discomfort mitigated by the use of a topical numbing agent.

**How many treatments will I need?**

The number of microneedling treatments needed varies based on individual skin conditions and goals. Generally, a series of 3 to 6 sessions, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results. Your practitioner will develop a personalized treatment plan during your initial consultation.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

Microneedling is an ideal choice for anyone aiming to improve various skin issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone and texture. This treatment is versatile, catering to all skin types, and is especially advantageous for those seeking a less invasive method to rejuvenate and revitalize their skin. It stands out as a favorable option for individuals interested in stimulating collagen production but who may not be able to tolerate more intensive treatments like Morpheus8. While microneedling offers broad applicability, it is not suitable for those with active skin infections, specific skin conditions, or pregnant women.

When will I see results, and how long will they last?

Visible improvements can often be seen after just one microneedling session, with more significant results becoming apparent after subsequent treatments as the skin continues to produce new collagen and elastin. The full benefits are typically observed a few months after completing the recommended treatment series. To maintain the effects, follow-up sessions and a customized skincare regimen may be advised.