
Precision of micro-needling with the power of radio frequency energy

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is an innovative skincare solution that blends the precision of microneedling with the power of radiofrequency energy, targeting the skin’s deeper layers to stimulate collagen production. This advanced approach not only effectively minimizes wrinkles and enhances skin texture but also significantly tightens skin laxity, offering a versatile solution for a youthful complexion without invasive surgery. It’s an ideal choice for individuals seeking non-surgical route to comprehensive skin rejuvenation.

Why Choose Morpheus8?

Here’s why your choice of provider matters and why our office stands out in delivering exceptional Morpheus8 experiences.

Morpheus8 is an effective solution for those aiming to enhance their skin's appearance comprehensively. It combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology to address a wide range of skin issues, from tightening sagging skin and smoothing wrinkles to reducing acne scars. The success of Morpheus8 significantly depends on the expertise of the provider, and our team is skilled in delivering personalized treatments that yield optimal results. By choosing us, you're not just selecting a treatment; you're entrusting your skin to experts who can unlock the full potential of Morpheus8, ensuring your skin becomes smoother, firmer, and more youthful. It's a non-surgical approach to achieving a visibly rejuvenated complexion.

Typical Downtime

Downtime after a Morpheus8 treatment can vary significantly, as the procedure is tailored to each individual's needs and skin sensitivity. While some may experience a quick recovery, others, especially those with more sensitive skin, might need up to a week for complete healing. This variability underscores the importance of adhering to post-treatment care instructions and using the recommended skincare products to ensure optimal recovery. Here’s a general guide to what you might expect:

Time Frame Post-Treatment Reactions and Care
Immediate Post treatment Immediately following the procedure, common reactions include redness, swelling, and grid-like imprints on the skin, which are all temporary and start to subside shortly thereafter.
First 24 to 72 Hours In the first 2-3 days post-treatment, the skin may feel particularly sensitive. It's crucial to avoid direct sun exposure and delay applying makeup for at least 24 -48 hours to facilitate the initial healing phase. Opt for gentle skincare products that are free from retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, and fragrances to avoid further irritation. Keeping hydrated and refraining from strenuous exercise to minimize sweating will aid in the recovery, ensuring a smoother healing process and enhancing the microneedling results.
One Week After For those with more sensitive skin, signs of the treatment, such as grid marks, may take a bit longer to fade, potentially up to a week. During this time, it's important to continue protecting the skin from the sun and adhere to any specific aftercare instructions to support the healing process and maximize the benefits of the treatment.

Treatment Goals
Improve Overall Skin Rejuvenation and Health
Increase Collagen & Elasticity
Tighten Sagging skin and/or Jowling
Define and contour the jawline
Improve neck firmness/laxity aka “tech neck”
Improve Skin Texture
Improve Acne Scarring
Minimize Pores

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Frequently asked questions

What can I expect for the treatment process?

The Morpheus8 treatment begins with a consultation to assess your skin and discuss your goals. On the day of the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to ensure comfort, and is usually left on for about an hour to ensure optimal comfort during the treatment. The actual Morpheus8 session then takes about an hour, so you should plan to be at the clinic for approximately two hours in total. The Morpheus8 device delivers a combination of microneedling and radio-frequency energy directly into the skin, stimulating collagen production and skin remodeling. After the treatment, it's common to see "grid marks" on the skin from the Morpheus8 handpiece. These marks are typical and can last from a few days to a couple of weeks. Additionally, you may experience some redness, swelling, and dryness which generally subsides within a few days. We'll provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to support your recovery and enhance your results.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of Morpheus8 treatments needed can vary based on your specific skin concerns and aesthetic goals. Typically, a series of 3 sessions, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results. During your consultation, we'll create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your skin's needs.

Who is this treatment for?

Morpheus8 is suitable for all individuals looking for a non-surgical option to improve skin texture, firmness, and overall appearance. It's effective across various skin types and ages, particularly beneficial for those wanting to address signs of aging, skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. A consultation can help determine if Morpheus8 is the right choice for you.

When will I see results, and how long will they last?

Initial improvements can often be seen within a few weeks after treatment, with more significant results appearing after 4-6 weeks as collagen production increases. The full benefits of Morpheus8 typically manifest around three months after the final session. Results can last up to a year or longer, depending on your skin condition and aging process. Maintaining a healthy skincare routine and follow-up treatments as recommended can prolong the effects.