Salmon DNA (Rejuran)

Hydrate and improve the overall appearance of your skin, while reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness

What are Skin Boosters?

Skin boosters are a type of cosmetic treatment designed to hydrate and improve the overall appearance of your skin. They typically involve injecting a specialized solution, often containing hyaluronic acid or other nourishing ingredients, into the skin. This helps to hydrate, rejuvenate, and plump up the skin, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness.

Rejuran Healer is one of such popular skin rejuvenation treatments with technology originated from South Korea that involves micro-channeling polynucleotides (PN) into the skin. These polynucleotides are derived from salmon DNA and are believed to have various benefits for the skin. True to its name, Rejuran Healer acts as a skin booster, revitalizing your skin cells and promoting healing from the inside out.

Why Choose Rejuran Healer?

Rejuran Healer represents a significant advancement in skincare, marking a shift towards the healing powers of regenerative medicine within the beauty industry. It uses a powerful component called polynucleotides to dive deep into the skin, healing and rejuvenating old, tired cells. This process not only improves the skin's appearance on the surface but also stimulates the cells to grow healthier and more resilient from the inside out. With Rejuran, you're not just getting a temporary fix; you're investing in a healthier, more youthful-looking complexion that lasts.

Before and After of Skin Appearance After Using Anti-Aging Serum

Typical Downtime

The typical downtime after a Rejuran Healer treatment is relatively minimal, but it can vary depending on individual skin sensitivity and the specific area treated. Most patients can expect:

Time Frame Post-Treatment Reactions and Care
Immediate Post treatment Mild redness and swelling at the injection sites are common immediately after the procedure. This usually subsides within a few hours to a day.
First 24 to 72 Hours Some patients might experience slight bruising or bumps at the injection points, which should resolve within a few days. It's generally recommended to avoid strenuous activities and direct sunlight during this period.
One Week After While most daily activities can be resumed immediately, it's advisable to avoid makeup, alcohol, and intensive skincare treatments for the first 24 to 48 hours. Refrain from strenuous exercise for a couple of days to ensure optimal healing.

Treatment Goals
Improve Overall Skin Rejuvenation and Health
Achieve Bright & Radiant Skin Complexion “Glass Skin”
Improve Skin Texture
Increase Skin Hydration
Increase Collagen & Elasticity
Minimize Pores
Improve Acne Scarring

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Frequently asked questions

What can I expect for the treatment process?

Following your initial consultation, we'll begin by applying a numbing cream to the targeted areas or the entire face to ensure your comfort. Next, the Rejuran Healer serum is carefully injected into the skin, leading to the formation of small "bubbles" or what's technically referred to as "embossing" on the skin's surface. This embossing effect typically subsides almost entirely by the following day, though, like with any cosmetic procedure, there's a possibility of experiencing some bruising or swelling. To conclude the treatment, a soothing mask is applied to minimize any inflammation and redness, providing a calming effect on the skin. The entire procedure is completed within approximately one hour.

How many treatments will I need?

Treatments are catered to an individual’s desired outcome. We recommend an average series of 3- 4 treatments administered at 2-4 week intervals with a customized maintenance schedule.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

Rejuran Healer is a versatile skin booster designed for individuals across a wide age spectrum, starting from the age of 30. It's an excellent choice for those looking to proactively build their collagen reserves early on, achieving the sought-after glass skin look, as well as for more mature individuals aiming to address specific skin concerns.

When will I see results, and how long will they last?

You might start noticing improvements within just two weeks, with the most significant changes usually becoming apparent after the second session. While the enhancements achieved are enduring, in the sense that they won't simply vanish, regular maintenance is recommended to counteract the natural aging process and preserve these results over time.